20 October 2007

On my way to SC

I continued my tour of the South today hitting Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, and finally Georgia. I think I'm only a few hours away from South Carolina, so tomorrow should be easy.

It was a pretty good day. I started out at the Clinton Library, visited the birthplace of Elvis ( I swear I heard the banjo from Deliverence as I pulled off the highway in Telupo), and saw a strip club called The Boobie Trap. I know, very childish humor, but I got a laugh out of it. I would have liked to gotten a picture of it, but didn't see it in time to pull over.

19 October 2007


Well, it's Friday night and I'm in Little Rock Arkansas. We "graduated" from BOLC II today and I wanted to get away from Fort Sill ASAP. I'm on my way to Fort Jackson for the second part of my school.

Overall, it was a pretty easy school. I'm still not sure of the purpose of this school. I didn't learn much, and that sentiment was repeated by many others. I enjoyed some of the training, but as an AG officer, I won't be doing any room clearing, but again, some of the stuff was fun. There were opportunities for leadership experience, but the leadership roles are not the same when all of your peers are the same rank. There are really no reprecussions for disobeying an order in this environment. The school itself was good for me personally since I have been out of the Army environment for 10 years after I got out of the Guard. As far as making me a better leader though, I don't know what this will do for me. Oh well, it's over and I'm on to my next school.