08 June 2008


Well, been back from OBC for a few months. I wish I could say that things are going well with the Reserves, but I hate it more each time I come back from drill.

Aside from the fact that we don't do anything at drill, I keep seeing how the Army Reserves does not take care of their Soldiers. This drill for example, we couldn't sign out because the person responsible left, and the sign out sheets were nowhere to be found. No sign out = no pay.

I got registered for a class, but my unit couldn't tell me whether I had a seat in the class, was on the waiting list, or anything. No status. I inquired several times, and after a week and half, was told that I didn't have a seat, and probably couldn't get one, but I could go on the wait list if I was able to leave with two days notice. Mind you this is a 2 month long class. I have a full time job and family. Leave with 2 days notice. Right.

There are many more examples of ineptness (nice word huh?) within our unit, but it's not worth going into. I just hope karma visits the people responsible.

I have actually begun to think about getting out. On one hand I look at all the time I've put in to get this far, but on the other hand, it hasn't gotten me anywhere. Maybe the time would be better spent with my family camping, or making biodiesel, or pretty much anything else.

I'm definitely disappointed in the Army Reserves. I never had these problems with the National Guard.

Oh well, thanks for listening...just had to vent.

17 January 2008


Finally. I made it home Wednesday afternoon, although I could do without the ridiculously cold weather. All in all, it was a good experience, I learned a lot, and made some good friends.

Thanks to everyone for keeping in touch and the words of encouragement. Monday it's back to the grind. I can't wait...

10 January 2008

Last week

Well, it looks like I'll make it. Friday (tomorrow) is the last day of our last full week. On Tuesday we graduate and I can return to civilian life.

This has been a good experience for me overall and I made some good friends and contacts. That said, I won't miss active duty too much. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to my job, although that will probably change after about a week.