Well, we finished with Week 4 yesterday, by doing some convoy training and shooting a lot. Yesterday we did the land navigation course and got soaked to the bone, but that's about the only bad weather we've had. So far everything is going well. No one seems to be overwhelmed by the difficulty of the course, but the changing leadership positions takes its toll on some people. There's some complaining about how some people lead, but that's normal. I did think there would be more infighting amoungst everyone, but I'm glad I'm wrong.
We spent last week at the FOB, and we'll be there for the next two weeks also. We have a lot of things planned so hopefully the time will go by quickly. Although we have no access to a coffee maker, the makers of the MRE are gracious enough to include a little instant coffee with the meal. I have found that adding three instant coffee packets to a one quart canteen of water makes a pretty decent cup of coffee.
BTW, my laptop harddrive died (Thanks Aaron!) so haven't had much chance to update lately.