14 April 2009


Before you ask, yes we're stillllll here at Ft. Lewis. We are in the process of wrapping things up though. I was able to go back to Crystal Lake and see Julie and the kids for a couple days, which was awesome. The dogs remembered me and Cabo didn't try to rip my face off. It was tough to leave though. Julie was crying, kids were crying, dogs were crying. It sucked. But, I am ready to start this. It's been about a year since I set off on this adventure and I'm pretty excited that it's kicking off soon.

I have been without reliable internet lately and this will probably continue until we get to Iraq. What's ironic is that we'll probably have better internet in Iraq than at Ft. Lewis. Anyway, I'll keep this updated as best I can. If nothing else, check out my twitter page (see past posts).