01 March 2011

28 December 2009

Last post from Iraq

Well, I'm not quite out of here yet, but due to lack of internet availability, this will probably be my last post from Iraq on this blog. I'll update my facebook page and probably my blog on nwherald.com, but this may be it until I get back to the states at least.

That said, please don't send anything else to me here in Iraq. I really appreciate all the packages everyone has sent, but anything else won't get here in time.

Thanks to all of the support and words of encouragement via email too.

So was it all worth it? I don't know. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. Tune into the nwherald.com blog soon for my answer.


20 December 2009

The light

I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately it's after Christmas, but I'm getting out of here soon. Most of my stuff is packed, and we've started paperwork. I've been in unusally high spirits lately, but I'm sure that will change as I have to endure more stupidness at Division. No idea what, but there's plenty of stupidness around, and I'm sure it will make its way to my section soon.

On a good note, the weather here is great. Probably in the mid 70s right now. Shorts and t shirt weather anyway. While it's going to be rough going back to the 20s in the Midwest, I'll be happy to make that sacrifice.

The USO came through with some celebs this past week: Dave Attell, Anna Kournikova, Billy Ray Cyrus, and some other dude. They were all very cool. They were going many different places. I can't imagine how crazy their schedule was. It was good for them to stop by Basra though.

21 November 2009


This poor guy was eaten shortly after this picture was taken.

31 October 2009

life at brigade

It's rained here 5 times since I've been here, and I think fall is finally here. It's a welcome change from the 100+ degree days.

I continue to be surprised at the difference between the brigade and division. At the staff meetings I learn how things really work, as opposed to the division level where they just tell the brigades what to do and don't support their work. There are a lot of sharp people here, especially the commander. There are also others like the leader of the provincial reconstruction team leader. They do so much to help the people of Iraq, like helping them make the best of their resources (like dates and honey). The leader is fascinating. I could listen to her stories for hours. She's been all over the world and was told us about the time she stayed with Mother Theresa for a month or so. Unbelievable.

This week went by really fast. I hope the next couple weeks go by just as quickly. I can't believe it's Halloween already. The only good thing about that is that the Simpson's Treehouse of Horror is on for like 7 hours. I do miss the holidays like this one that I spend with the kids. There's a haunted house here and they do a good job of trying to make it like back in the states, but the more they do, the more I miss home.

28 October 2009

Better view from below

I recently got transferred temporarily to a brigade to help out with their public affairs while someone goes on vacation. It's a lower level than my division headquarters and has given me a chance to see a lot more of what's going on with our troops. I've met quite a few Iraqis and it's nice to see that they're a lot like us. Just trying to make a living and fix their country.

It's also been cool to see the actual progress that we're making. They're still a ways a way and there's a lot of issues, but the U.S. has a lot of issues and we've been working at it for over two hundred years. Who can realistically expect Iraq to pull it all together in 6 years?

Anyway it's helped restore a little bit of faith in our effort.

25 October 2009

Taking a load off at the hotel at the Victory Base Complex. Behind me is Al Faw Palace. From my recent trip to Baghdad.
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