I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Unfortunately it's after Christmas, but I'm getting out of here soon. Most of my stuff is packed, and we've started paperwork. I've been in unusally high spirits lately, but I'm sure that will change as I have to endure more stupidness at Division. No idea what, but there's plenty of stupidness around, and I'm sure it will make its way to my section soon.
On a good note, the weather here is great. Probably in the mid 70s right now. Shorts and t shirt weather anyway. While it's going to be rough going back to the 20s in the Midwest, I'll be happy to make that sacrifice.
The USO came through with some celebs this past week: Dave Attell, Anna Kournikova, Billy Ray Cyrus, and some other dude. They were all very cool. They were going many different places. I can't imagine how crazy their schedule was. It was good for them to stop by Basra though.
We'd been trying to figure out who the hot blonde was when you posted that picture to FB...aha!
SO glad you are coming home soon....we will be thrilled to have you back in the States!
Hang in there...
Katie M.
Even though I've already seen the picture, it took me a little off guard.
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