I just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I managed to get home for a few days, so am very happy to be able to hang out with the family. Once I go back, I only have a couple more weeks until I'm totally done. Then back to the civilian life, until I get called to go overseas. It will happen, it's just a matter of when. I am not looking forward to it, but I think it's something that must be done.
I still get some people asking why I did it (re-enlisted) and why don't I just let the younger kids join the Army and fight. I just don't understand that logic. Why should they have to do that, and not me. We all live in this country. Besides, most 18 year olds don't have the experience or knowledge that is required in leadership positions. I'm not saying everyone should join, but it's what I wanted to do, it's something I feel strongly about, and I'm glad I did it.
Sorry for the rant. My father in law got me going on this Christmas Eve.