15 September 2007

Week 2 Done

Well, Week 2 is done, and not a moment too soon. It actually went by pretty quickly, but was kind of rough. We worked on hand to hand fighting all week, along with a few classes, but the fighting was physically draining. Even the younger kids were tired. There were't too many injuries, just a lot of sore muscles. We also did PT in the mornings, so that didn't help us recouperate either.

Things are going well, although in the time that we get off, there's not much to do in the great metropolis of Lawton. It's not that bad, but I'm sure by the end of the cycle, we'll be going stir crazy.

I'm looking forward to next week. We start rifle marksmanship, which is basically shooting from various positions, and making sure everyone can hit the minimum amount of targets. Should be fun.

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