05 September 2009

what's new??

Hello All,
I haven't posted in a while, mostly because there's not too much exciting happening in Basa right now. I still do my posts for the NW Herald, my local newspaper, so to stay up on events, check www.nwherald.com/blogs, then look for the real Lt. Dan.

Well, I've started my leave and am hanging out in Kuwait for a little while. I was not expecting much but was pleasantly surprised. Things seem a little more relaxed here. As I was walking around, I spied the Golden Arches. I didn't actually eat there, but it was a sign that I'm a little closer to home.

Things are going well and I'm looking forward to spending some time with Julie and the kids (and the dogs). When I get back, we'll have a few short months, then pack up and leave this place, hopefully forever.


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